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  • Nina DH

Introduction Pt 2

Wow... how do I even begin.


Miss me?

I have had an absolutely CRAZY summer, but now I have an uninterrupted month of bliss because all I get to do now is read and write! Below is a list of books that I am currently reading/ debating on whether I should write a review on:

The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins.

Children of Blood and Bone by Tomikas Adeyemi

Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

All of these books are going to be forgotten on Tuesday though, because MIDNIGHT SUN IS COMING OUT! Okay I'm THAT girl but I really don't even care, Im just so so so excited! Wow I really have a way with words. Anyways, I doubt I will do a written review on all of these so please let me know which one sounds most interesting.

Something that I am also considering is making a video review, but then I would have to show my face and honestly, I REALLY don't want anyone that I know finding this other then my closest friends. If my father comes across this blog, I might die.

Some things that I currently have In place is written book reviews AT LEAST twice a month, plus a video review. Other things being posted would include, short stories, IRL updates, cute pictures of my cat if I get really desperate, and apologies for not posting anything at all lol. These would go up every Tuesday and Saturday.

I am considering uploading tidbits from the novels I am currently working on, however I am very protective of my stuff. Not in a "I don't want anyone to tell me what to do" way more that I am not 100% comfortable releasing it onto the internet yet. Maybe a chapter or two if anyone is interested but I want to publish in some way shape or form one day, so I don't want the draft floating around.

Thank you to everyone who reads this. Even if you are my friends, I am ridiculously grateful to have such amazing people in my life. That sounds sappy but it's true.

I love you so much, have a nice day/night!

Angel Herron

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